Rich McGrath, Ed.D., President and CEO of McGrath Consulting, has been an important change agent in education for more than 30 years as a teacher, principal, and curriculum consultant. Using evidence-based practices, he is well-versed in schoolwide literacy efforts. McGrath’s current initiative embeds Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) within best-practice literacy strategies (AKA: Literacy with Heart)

Dr. Rich McGrath

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Fluency: Partner Reading and SEL

This fluency lesson is focused on the strategy: Partner Reading. Partner Reading lends itself easily to social-emotional learning (SEL) as students will need to take turns reading aloud, listen, and provide feedback. Read More.

Lesson Plan Template: Explicit Instruction Foundational in SEL and Literacy

A suggested lesson plan template could make it easier to intentionally blend social-emotional learning with literacy instruction. Explicit instruction is a proven teaching pedagogy whether literacy, mathematics, or SEL. It must be an essential component in any lesson plan. Read More.

January 30, 2023

Using Children’s Books to Teach SEL: A Value Added Endeavor

A quality children’s picture book brings so much enthusiasm and engagement to any child. The rich vocabulary, the imaginative ideas, and the beautiful illustrations sends a clear message to a child of any age: reading can be fun and meaningful. These recommended books below do all of the above and can be integrated into social-emotional learning lessons in many classrooms. Read More.

January 22, 2023

The Connection Between SEL & Literacy Instruction: A Bridge Not Too Far

Integration of SEL with literacy instruction provides opportunities for students to practice and reflect on social and emotional competencies within literacy instruction. For example, teachers might purposely incorporate partner work that promotes cooperation, communication skills, and effective teamwork as part of the literacy lesson. Read More.

January 14, 2023

What is the Science of Reading and Why Does It Matter?

Generally speaking, SoR is any literacy instructional practice that is based on quantitative empirical evidence of accelerating student learning, particularly those students who struggle and perform below grade level expectations. It is much more than the three cueing system and teaching phonics. Read More.

January 8, 2023

MTSS: The Oil for Literacy and SEL

MTSS (Multi-tiered System of Supports) has been an integral part of many schools which includes core instruction as well as interventions. Literacy and Math instruction are main staples of MTSS throughout the day. SEL (Social-emotional Learning) should be part of MTSS as well. Read More.

December 30, 2022

Two is Better Than One

A good teaching objective includes SWBAT (Students will be able to…), the specific skill/strategy students will learn, and how they will show they know it. A SEL objective should also be skill specific and be observable. Read More.

December 22, 2022

The Best of Both Worlds

Although Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) began in the 1960s at the Yale School of Medicine in its Child Study Center, the topic resurfaced with fervor globally in schools since the pandemic. According to CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), SEL includes building competence in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making (also known as the CASEL 5). Read More.

December 17, 2022

Perfect Match: Blending Literacy Strategies with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Since pandemic lockdowns are behind us and schools are back in full session, it seems students, staff, and parents are readjusting to what school is about. Certainly, it is about learning Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. But, it is also about learning socialization skills. Currently, students are struggling on both accounts, arguably exacerbated from the pandemic. Read More.

December 11, 2022